The Dig-Dug game of Noah’s Ark
The Dig-Dug game happens to be one of my favourite arcade games when I was a teenager, in which players have to run after their opponents to blow them up into bursts, less violent comparing to nowadays game of life where opponents are chasing after players and so that the players have to flee into periodical retreats of taking short breathe before being discovered again.
In these few months, the image of Noah’s Ark keeps on flashing into my mind. It is either due to a newly renovated church building in our neighbourhood which gives me a pleasant sensation of Noah’s Ark, or recently my facebook news feed and email in-box are flooded with messages about the Noah’s Ark. At this moment, I am still not certain on the cause of my flashes.
For certain, we have dug. To dig, or not to dig further into the discovery of the Noah’s Ark?
Noah’s Ark is God’s grace and design for the salvation to His people - those listening and following to His words. Christian faith is to gaze upon Christ Himself for His merciful light shining into our darkness therefore to free us from the slavery of sin, and to sanctify our hearts with God’s words (the Holy Bible) through the work of the Holy Spirit, hence reconciling with our Heavenly Father. Please continue to dig in this manner. However, please leave the fun bursting part of the game to Christ, as He is the only who can really tell the orientation (purity) of individual’s heart: to have mercy upon all, and to forgive those repented.
Christian faith is to be built on Christ Himself in which faith is eternal and transformational to individuals. A warning to the game is that it can become very risky if our “faith” were to be built on archeological discovery in which each phase of scientific discovery is doomed to be temporary; also such “false faith” of building on top of scientific discovery had nothing directly to do with transformation of people’s hearts. Archeology is based on scientific discovery and testing. Science is a revolutionary subject: one thing valid one day may become obsolete (invalid) on the next day due to continuous discovery or/and new testing technologies that could override earlier configurations. Faith in science is necessary but temporarily as it is only being valid in order for scientists to move onto the next phase/step/hypothesis. Upon the arrival of the next phase, the subject will be put under review and questioning for the preparation of further advancement; therefore, the old “faith” becomes obsolete where a new “faith” ground is being established for the movement onto upcoming phases. Occasionally, one phase/step going forward may lead to a couple phases/steps falling back. The excitement of science is that it is filled with dynamics and revolutions; the excitement of Christian faith is the transformation of hearts to Christ. Therefore, they are two different natures – two different Dig-Dug games - different orientations toward different purposes that we should be aware of.
Scientific or archeological discovery from a pure heart of praising God can help us getting to adore God’s glorious work: His design & plan. If our praise shifts from God’s adoration onto mankind’s satisfaction and survival, then it will be quite alarming, and may lead us to game-over (hopefully through God’s grace we can reset the game soon enough whenever we found ourselves in such situation).
Luke 2:34-35
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”
Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Therefore, the Biblical Dig-Dug game is to allow true light digging into our hearts along with God’s grace & mercy upon us.
[Author is working in scientific field; and thanks to the teaching of Dr. F.K. Wong in an O.T. Survey course. My faith is in Trinity God, not in science/archeology. I just enjoy the excitement in science and archeology.]
In these few months, the image of Noah’s Ark keeps on flashing into my mind. It is either due to a newly renovated church building in our neighbourhood which gives me a pleasant sensation of Noah’s Ark, or recently my facebook news feed and email in-box are flooded with messages about the Noah’s Ark. At this moment, I am still not certain on the cause of my flashes.
For certain, we have dug. To dig, or not to dig further into the discovery of the Noah’s Ark?
Noah’s Ark is God’s grace and design for the salvation to His people - those listening and following to His words. Christian faith is to gaze upon Christ Himself for His merciful light shining into our darkness therefore to free us from the slavery of sin, and to sanctify our hearts with God’s words (the Holy Bible) through the work of the Holy Spirit, hence reconciling with our Heavenly Father. Please continue to dig in this manner. However, please leave the fun bursting part of the game to Christ, as He is the only who can really tell the orientation (purity) of individual’s heart: to have mercy upon all, and to forgive those repented.
Christian faith is to be built on Christ Himself in which faith is eternal and transformational to individuals. A warning to the game is that it can become very risky if our “faith” were to be built on archeological discovery in which each phase of scientific discovery is doomed to be temporary; also such “false faith” of building on top of scientific discovery had nothing directly to do with transformation of people’s hearts. Archeology is based on scientific discovery and testing. Science is a revolutionary subject: one thing valid one day may become obsolete (invalid) on the next day due to continuous discovery or/and new testing technologies that could override earlier configurations. Faith in science is necessary but temporarily as it is only being valid in order for scientists to move onto the next phase/step/hypothesis. Upon the arrival of the next phase, the subject will be put under review and questioning for the preparation of further advancement; therefore, the old “faith” becomes obsolete where a new “faith” ground is being established for the movement onto upcoming phases. Occasionally, one phase/step going forward may lead to a couple phases/steps falling back. The excitement of science is that it is filled with dynamics and revolutions; the excitement of Christian faith is the transformation of hearts to Christ. Therefore, they are two different natures – two different Dig-Dug games - different orientations toward different purposes that we should be aware of.
Scientific or archeological discovery from a pure heart of praising God can help us getting to adore God’s glorious work: His design & plan. If our praise shifts from God’s adoration onto mankind’s satisfaction and survival, then it will be quite alarming, and may lead us to game-over (hopefully through God’s grace we can reset the game soon enough whenever we found ourselves in such situation).
Luke 2:34-35
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”
Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Therefore, the Biblical Dig-Dug game is to allow true light digging into our hearts along with God’s grace & mercy upon us.
[Author is working in scientific field; and thanks to the teaching of Dr. F.K. Wong in an O.T. Survey course. My faith is in Trinity God, not in science/archeology. I just enjoy the excitement in science and archeology.]
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