HahaMirror’s “P&P” look: Prosperously & Profitably All roles in one & One role in all
Once upon a time, there was a private hospital running out of budget; therefore, the management team came up with a brilliant idea which was to ask all doctors to perform physician and nursing tasks at the same time. This way the hospital can lower expenditures, as the hospital had eliminated the hiring of nurses. A few months down the road, incoming patients were lessened day by day, with most the patients who were willing to admit to this hospital were mental patients being unaware of the norm of a hospital facility. The doctors (being in nursing role as well) finally stressed out and went nuts. The management team announced to the public: “Double happiness to our promising prosperity & profitability figures this year: Our patients count has increased x% ; and expenditure has decreased y% since last year! Let’s celebrate, and continue onto our prosperity.”
[HahaMirror’s “P&P” look: Prosperously & Profitably All roles in one & One role in all]
[HahaMirror’s “P&P” look: Prosperously & Profitably All roles in one & One role in all]
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