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Christ Port

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Response to "The Old Path"

One day, MSY sent me The Old Path (http://wandascountryhome.com/oldpaths/)

Hmmm... Ever ponder why most of those items "no longer in practice" nowadays (or being a bit suppressive in the old days)... did history fail us? did we fail history? Or are we partially running away from total God and men reconciliation, not receiving the full gift of salvation, and just selecting those we "desired" or can be made "manipulative"? Or are we ignoring spiritual practice? Or spiritual practice was heading the wrong direction? May be we can start questioning the subject of "controlling" versus "freeing" our spirit.

Anyway, God's grace is deep and wide for all who "continuously" welcoming Christ, as in our Father's purity, sin doesn't come in sizes of big or small.

Mark 2:17
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the
healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not
come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Next thing I know, "Christ's Path" is being whipped up...

Christ's path, when;
Everyone is at the creator's HOME
Holy spirit is at work
Brothers love each other
And sisters care for each other
We did not try to save ourselves; Christ did
And people receive Jesus
We all feed each other
Allow holy spirit to work
Children love the Lord
Men love the Lord
Women love the Lord
And all God's children are having dialogue with God
Women live in Christ's image
And Men live in Christ's image
Women think like Christ
Men think like Christ
And all children of God act like Christ.
People enjoy reading Bible,
And hate worshiping selves;
They come to church to serve,
Not to be served.
Hymns are worshiping the Lord
Sermons are awakening selves
Rejoicing to the Lord
And crying with/for the poor.
Cursing is forgiven by Christ
Drinking till bottom up is from Christ's cup
and allow sin to be taken away by Christ's salvation.
Lord is glorified
The world is filled with love and forgiveness
And Christ is always welcome.
We bring scriptures into our heart: to eat and feel
And pray all day and night as we work.
To be called a child of God is willing to search our own spiritual rotten area within
To be called a Christian is to transform with the help of holy spirit by listening in solitude
To be called an approved workman has nothing to be ashamed.
The "word" is a formative and blessing word (not informative nor manipulative, John 1:1-18 for detail).
And gospel is the word of God.
Pastors and laypeople show spiritual guidance because
they have witnessed and are sharing testimony
And Christians praised because they had the victory over sin through Christ with the power of holy spirit
Preachers preach from their testimony base on the Bible
We all sing with joy.
We all turned to the Lord to be saved and for repentance and transformation.
Reborn is a new life.
Salvation is through Christ's blood
Receiving Christ is to ask kingdom of our Lord to come now and be certain on eternal life.
All Christians (no matter what roles) are to proclaim the word of God
All Christians (no matter what roles) are to serve the Lord
All Christians (no matter what roles) are to ask Christ to set one's spirit free (not live by laws) - to die and live with Christ
We contemplate God's word, and pray for all
True freedom (not to be controlled by sin) is base on the word of God - the Bible
People self-practise from the Bible (please note self-practise, not enforcing practice onto others :-) )
And societies form from the above practice.
We love and care for all, especially new converts.
God is worshiped
Christ (son of God) is exalted
and the Holy Spirit is being followed.
Christ's path is faith, hope and love.


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