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Christ Port

Friday, August 05, 2005

ping IP

Folks, here's my version of IP after watching cable 23.

# ping

The PC is my pickle, sometimes I don't really want it to be.
It makes me lie down (bad posture) on the chair.
It leads me away from my gym time.
Sometimes it destroys my temper.
It leads me in the path of lies (telling the
end-users that there are no bugs and helpful to
them), for the sponsor's (customers' - whoever pay me $$) sake.
Yea, though I walk in the shadow of my users' requirements.
There will be no interruption, For the PC is with me.
It's mouse and keyboard, they control me.
It prepares many bugs before me In the presence of deadlines;
It anoints my head with unsolved mysteries and problems,
My sweat runneth over.
Surely bugs and users' complaints shall Follow me all days of my life:
And I shall dwell in the network of working through
my PC to countless virtual hosts forever.

If you felt so, please quickly turn to Psalm 23

Please note this is purely a re-write of Cable 23, nothing to do with Psalm 23 which I dare NOT to touch a word from my Lord.

--- LH emailed me:

> A friend sent me this poem.
> I'd like to share it with you:
> Cable 23
> The TV is my shepherd, I shall want.
> It makes me lie down on the sofa.
> It leads me away from the Scriptures.
> It destroys my soul.
> It leads me in the path of sex and violence, for the
> sponsor's sake.
> Yea, though I walk in the shadow of my Christian
> responsibilities.
> There will be no interruption, For the TV is with
> me.
> It's cable and remote, they control me.
> It prepares a commercial before me In the presence
> of worldliness;
> It anoints my head with Humanism, My coveting
> runneth over.
> Surely laziness and ignorance shall Follow me all
> days of my life:
> And I shall dwell in the house watching TV forever.
> Author Unknown
> http://www.bibleplace.com/p23pslm.htm
> For reference, I've included the original version of
> the poem here..
> Psalm 23
> A psalm of David.
> 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in
> want.
> 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
> he leads me beside quiet waters,
> 3 he restores my soul.
> He guides me in paths of righteousness
> for his name's sake.
> 4 Even though I walk
> through the valley of the shadow of death,
> [a]
> I will fear no evil,
> for you are with me;
> your rod and your staff,
> they comfort me.
> 5 You prepare a table before me
> in the presence of my enemies.
> You anoint my head with oil;
> my cup overflows.
> 6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
> all the days of my life,
> and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
> forever.
> New International Version (NIV)
> Copyright � 1973, 1978, 1984 by International
> Society
> Maybe we want to re-think our attitude about TV, and
> the mass media.
> ... Let's choose life ourself, in God's way; and not
> let the media brain wash us.


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