Time Allocation
Time Allocation
Everyone has 24 hrs a day, it really boils down to howone organizes his/her work, allocates his/herresources (time, aids and delegation), and how onesets his/her priority. I prefer spending time tothink of ways resolving problems than spending myenergy on complaining. Some subjects ofcomplain/whining open hole(s) to Satan; therefore, onehas to be careful and alert at all time before gettinginto our complaining/whining mood.
Everyone has 24 hrs a day, it really boils down to howone organizes his/her work, allocates his/herresources (time, aids and delegation), and how onesets his/her priority. I prefer spending time tothink of ways resolving problems than spending myenergy on complaining. Some subjects ofcomplain/whining open hole(s) to Satan; therefore, onehas to be careful and alert at all time before gettinginto our complaining/whining mood.
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