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Christ Port

Saturday, October 01, 2005

My Testimony - following God’s word at any time are crucial turning points or steps of our lifes towards peace and truth

I started going to Sunday school when I was in Primary 1 (Grade 1). I attended a Christian school in Hong Kong. When my teacher handed out a Sunday School sign out form for us to pass to our parents, I insisted my mother signed me up. So she did!

Later on (~Primary 3/4 if I recall correctly), I followed my mother going to her church where it has Sunday School during adult Sunday Service time. However, I found that the teachers there are British working in Hong Kong who spoke only English. I found it “meaningless” to learn God’s word without fully understanding of what the teachers were trying to say, as my English then was not too fluent. My mother would like me to learn English as well during English Sunday School. Therefore, I started going to two sessions of Sunday schools - the English congregation, and joined my classmate’s family attending a Sunday School class held by a Chinese church.

I confirmed during an evangelism meeting held at my school when I was ~Primary 4/5.

When entering my teenage years all the way into age 22, I had many questions and some doubts by including many doctrines, philosophy, thinking, religions but never excluded Gospel. During those years, I have spent some time of self-study and research on the subject of religion. One day I was reading the book of Romans from the Holy Bible related to the topic of sin in my heart. It did nothing to my brain, but it did a great thing to my heart (awakening my spirit and my soul with peace) – and the change kept on evolving till today.

At age 22, I told my church pastor that I would like to attend his baptism class (the class clarify many issues and guide me abundantly), and I baptized in 10-February at age 23.

We “cannot” know all on God’s plan on us, but we definitely “can and should” keep on searching God’s plan on us. Many things happen to us or around us that we may not understand the reasons behind (as God’s mind is way higher than ours); therefore, sometimes we do not need to waste our effort to look for reasons beyond our understanding, but to be familiar with God’s word by reading and studying the Bible plus praying so to act accordingly with wisdom from God. Sometimes, later on in life, as we got older, we may discover part of the reasons, then it would be like a lost child found his/her parents again-and-again.

One thing can be certain is that following God’s word at any time are crucial turning points or steps of our lifes towards peace and truth.