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Christ Port

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Psalm 16:5 - Lord is my inheritance, which needs faith to grab!

This evening during fellowship time, Psalm 16 was the chapter we read. I ponder around verse 5: “O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; you maintain my lot.” Sudden my worldly properties and estate snapped into my mind, those are accountable with concrete figures. Let say I have $1000 in my RRSP, such trust is base on a figure. In contrast, the portion of my inheritance in my Lord is totally abstract but unlimited. The only way to grab our portion of my inheritance and my cup from God is through faith and our openness to Him. Sometimes due to lack of faith and/or self-desire, I missed His blessing. However, once I took a step forward with faith to draft out my inheritance in Him, I experienced His abundant blessing. I sometimes found it difficult due to the abstraction of His inheritance which requires much faith to have it transformed into assurance. Anyway, I guess it is a spiritual journey.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Where to crusade?

Any blood-shedding crusades are totally away from the teaching of Christ. Crusade is to be operated within oneself for holistic transformation (Romans 12:1-2), not to inflict swords onto people.

Don't ever physically get involve into spiritual war fair, we are not on this role and nor are we being called because sinners we cannot. It's a war between God/Christ (God became flesh and blood) and Satan for God to redeem people. A deal between God and Satan since Genesis from the fall of mankind (Genesis 3:15), and already fulfilled when Christ bore sin of the world and died on cross (John 19:31-37 ), then resurrected. Now is a moment of grace period allowing people to reconcile with our Heavenly Father through Christ by knowing oneself and God more each day and allowing Holy Spirit to transform and mold oneself - for people who believed and follow Him will have everlasting lives by reconciling with Heavenly Father. Then, the completion of the war to be fulfilled as stated in the book of Revelation. In an "extremely simplified analogical" sense, it is “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis, I think there's a Disney cartoon movie (http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/narnia/) if the book is too thick for anyone.

There are many spiritual battles, but not the war, within ourselves that we will get involved, which Holy Spirit will help us to survive by strengthening us through trials. I think the "battle winning indicator" base on: Galatians 5:19-23 "...fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".