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Christ Port

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sin? But I didn’t do anything wrong!

"I didn’t do anything wrong (base on general public's scale), why I was punished this way?"

On the news…

A baby was being abused to death: if s/he could talk, s/he may say I didn’t do anything (not even able to do or say anything), why I was being treated this way to death? People may tell him because your father was being abused when he was a child… your mother was being neglected by her family since she was four years old… your step father couldn’t find a job no matter how hard he tried… your father’s parents…

A man killed all his family members and then committed suicide…

A lady committed suicide and leaving her baby alone at home crying, someone discovered and contacted the police…

A youth found no purpose in life except of getting high, and did permanent damage to one’s body due to overdose on drugs…

In summary, there are big holes in our hearts to fill (a lack of peace), but never able to top-up.

Two categories of sin: active sin and passive sin. Both are sin, and in absolute purity there isn’t any severity rating - no scale! The former one is hurting others, and the latter is destructing one-self. Active and passive sins are not exclusive to one another - passive sin can be acted out into active sin, or/and passive sin can be acted inwards leading to a total self-destruction.

We are living in an imperfect interactive society; there is no way anyone can immune from the pool of the sea of dirt and corruption.

“Sometimes” I can say I haven’t done anything wrong “yet”, but I have sin: my bondage/peace with God has cut off because of anger (feeling of unjust)/hatred/greed inside me eating me up, which may eventually harm myself or/and hurting others. So I need to oooom, oooom, oooom… this self-eating piece out through Christ, let Jesus carry my burden, and restore peace with my creator; instead of being succumb into victims mode, I choose to be in winner mode to have peace in my heart taking assignments from my creator and to reach my purpose of my life.


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