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Christ Port

Monday, January 18, 2021

The Hope of a rather safe Church

There is hope for a rather safe church; however, a totally safe church won’t be here until we meet Jesus face-to-face. The concept of a safe church belongs to the category of “already but not yet and is coming”.

Usually, a person gossips (sometimes are facts, and often are twisted stories, or even make-up stories) about others out of self-righteous and/or pride for promoting her/himself better than others, and it could also be due to one’s insecurity - through gossiping to serve one’s desire to manipulate and control. Anyway, the foundation has very much to do with one’s distorted identity plus a shallow or broken relationship with the Heavenly Father. As Rev. Darrell Johnson repeatedly mentioned “Things are not as they seem” in his book “Discipleship on the Edge”. May Jesus have mercy upon us all!

Therefore, the Gospel is equally important within the church and beyond the church. Evangelizing is equally important among believers and toward not-yet-believers. 

BTW. Henri Nouwen’s books “The Way of The Heart” and “Spiritual Formation” might help with the process. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

A tale of two books: "The wounded healer" & “Wounded Prophet”

"The wounded healer" written by Nouwen is more about healing through personal and ministry wounds in general, not specific to do with sexuality. Only the book named "Wounded Prophet” which was not authored by Nouwen, but written by a biographer named “Michael Ford” about Nouwen after Nouwen’s death, in which Nouwen’s sexuality was being discussed. “The wounded healer” and “Wounded Prophet” are two different books written by two different persons. I would like to point this out because sometimes the contents from the two books have been mixed up by many people. I don’t think Nouwen had publicly identified himself as homosexual, but I read that he’d discussed his struggle with friends and in "private" journals. Also, so far there is no evidence that Nouwen broke his vow of chastity, but there was a personal struggle.